Gallery — is media component used to display images and videos at the product page. It allows to show thumbnails in in horizontal or vertical modes, enable magnifier, and fullscreen mode.
Source code:
You can configure gallery options using view.xml
file in your theme:
<vars module="Magento_Catalog">
<var name="gallery">
<var name="mode">default</var> <!-- default/expanded -->
<var name="allowfullscreen">true</var>
<var name="keyboard">true</var>
<var name="loop">true</var>
<var name="nav">thumbs</var> <!-- false/thumbs/dots -->
<var name="navdir">horizontal</var> <!-- horizontal/vertical -->
<var name="caption">false</var> <!-- true/false -->
<var name="magnifier">
<var name="enabled">false</var> <!-- true/false -->
<var name="mode">auto</var> <!-- auto(stage with fallback to lens)/stage/lens -->
<var name="zoom">auto</var> <!-- auto or number. When using number, consider changing upscale option. -->
<var name="zoomMin">1.6</var> <!-- min zoom to use, otherwise - disable magnifier. -->
<var name="zoomMax">2.5</var> <!-- max zoom to use, otherwise - downscale the image. -->
<var name="upscale">1.5</var> <!-- max upscale to satisfy zoomMin. -->
<var name="stage">
<var name="position">right</var> <!-- left/right/inner -->
<var name="width">100w</var> <!-- number or percent of width/height -->
<var name="height">100h</var> <!-- number or percent of width/height -->
<var name="lens">
<var name="shape">circle</var> <!-- rectangle/circle -->
<var name="width">180</var> <!-- number -->
<var name="height">180</var> <!-- number -->
var gallery = $(el).gallery('instance');;
Here is a list of event listeners for gallery events:
$(document).on('gallery:loaded', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:beforeActivate', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:afterActivate', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:beforeOpen', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:afterOpen', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:beforeClose', (e, data) => {});
$(document).on('gallery:afterClose', (e, data) => {});
Each listener receives event
and data
objects. Data object has instance
property that refers to gallery widget that triggered the event.
@bz-gallery-expanded__gap: 10px; // 0px|10px
@bz-gallery-expanded__columns-count: 2;
@bz-gallery-thumb__wrap: false;
@bz-gallery-thumb__gap: 5px;
@bz-gallery-thumb__margin: 5px 0 0;
@bz-gallery-vertical-thumb__margin: 0 5px 0 0;
@bz-gallery-vertical-thumb__max-height: 550px;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__gap: 10px;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__margin: 16px 0 0;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__width: 12px;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__height: @bz-gallery-dots-thumb__width;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__border-radius: 9999px;
@bz-gallery-dots-thumb__background: #e6e6e6;
It’s worth to note that vertical mode is enabled for large screens only. If you whould like to enable vertical mode on smaller devices you should use custom styles for that:
& when (@critical) {
.breeze-gallery.vertical:not(.opened) {
Expanded gallery mode
Add the following values to the etc/view.xml
file in your theme:
<vars module="Magento_Catalog">
<var name="gallery">
<var name="mode">expanded</var>
You’ll also want to increase width of product-media container. We recommend using less variables:
@product-wrapper__md__gap: @4;
@product-wrapper__md__grid-columns: 7fr 4fr;
@product-wrapper__lg__gap: @6;
@product-wrapper__lg__grid-columns: 3fr 1fr;
Finally, you need to change medium image size to match updated theme config.
Update corresponding values in the etc/view.xml
file in your theme.
Here is proper values for the BreezeEvolution theme:
<images module="Magento_Catalog">
<image id="product_page_image_medium" type="image">
<image id="product_page_image_medium-srcset-1" type="image">
<image id="product_page_image_medium-srcset-2" type="image">
<image id="product_page_image_medium-srcset-3" type="image">
<image id="product_page_image_medium-srcset-4" type="image">
<image id="product_page_image_medium-srcset-5" type="image">
<vars module="Swissup_Breeze">
<var name="sizes">
<var name="product_page_image_medium"><![CDATA[
(min-width: 1536px) 465px,
(min-width: 1280px) calc((85vw - 2.5rem - 10px) * (3 / 4) / 2),
(min-width: 768px) calc((100vw - 2rem - 10px) * (7 / 11) / 2),
calc(100vw - 1rem)
Save the files and clear Magento cache.
Inner zoom magnifier
Add the following values to the etc/view.xml
file in your theme to enable
magnifier with inner zoom option:
<vars module="Magento_Catalog">
<var name="magnifier">
<var name="enabled">true</var>
<var name="stage">
<var name="position">inner</var>
Save the file and clear Magento cache.
Show thumbnails as dots
If you want to use dots
mode for mobile devices only, instead of using
the <var name="nav">dots</var>
xml you need to use LESS
mixin in your theme:
& when (@critical) {
@media @media-md-down {
.breeze-gallery:not(.opened) .thumbnails {