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Setup Image Dimensions


In this guide, we will prepare images configuration for the custom Breeze theme. We’ll use our Argento Force theme as an example.

You should always pay attention to the proper image’s configuration, as it will make your store look much pleasant on modern HiDPI screens, and increase the speed of the site since all visitors will not download too large images.

Collect size rules

First, we need to write proper sizes rules for our theme. To do that let’s open our category page and write down which image width browser wants to show per each breakpoint:

Screen width (min-max) Image width rule
0-639 (100vw - 26px) / 2
640-767 (100vw - 42px) / 3
768-1023 (75vw - 57px) / 3
1024-1279 (75vw - 73px) / 4
1280-∞ 212px

According to the calculated rules, let’s write sizes value to the <theme_dir>/etc/view.xml> file:

<vars module="Swissup_Breeze">
  <var name="sizes">
    <var name="category_page_grid">(min-width: 1280px) 212px, (min-width: 1024px) calc((75vw - 73px) / 4), (min-width: 768px) calc((75vw - 57px) / 3), (min-width: 640px) calc((100vw - 42px) / 3), calc((100vw - 26px) / 2)</var>

Repeat the same operation for the list listing mode and add new sizes:

<vars module="Swissup_Breeze">
  <var name="sizes">
    <var name="category_page_grid">...</var>
    <var name="category_page_list">...</var>

If your store uses different page layouts per different categories, you should also collect and add collected sizes for these layouts too:

<vars module="Swissup_Breeze">
  <var name="sizes">
    <var name="category_page_grid">...</var>
    <var name="category_page_grid-1column">...</var>
    <var name="category_page_grid-3columns">...</var>
    <var name="category_page_grid-cms-full-width">use:category_page_grid-1column</var>
    <var name="category_page_list">...</var>

When you’ve finished with sizes, it’s time to choose most suitable image dimensions.

Choose image dimensions

When choosing image dimensions we want to guarantee that we provide a perfectly sized image for the most popular screen resolutions. We will use Statcounter statistics for that.

Let’s create a table with perfect dimensions for the most popular resolutions:

Screen resolution Perfect image width
Desktop Use 1x and 2x images
1920x1080 212px, 414px
1536x864 212px, 414px
1366x768 212px, 414px
Tablet Use 2x images only
1280x800 212px*2=414px
768x1024 166px*2=332px
Mobile Use 2x and 3x images only
414x896 184px*2=368px, 184px*3=552px
375x667 165px*2=330px, 165px*3=495px

Let’s write the collected dimensions to the <theme_dir>/etc/view.xml file:

  <images module="Magento_Catalog">
    <image id="category_page_grid" type="small_image">
    <image id="category_page_grid-srcset-1" type="small_image">
    <image id="category_page_grid-srcset-2" type="small_image">
    <image id="category_page_grid-srcset-3" type="small_image">
    <image id="category_page_grid-srcset-4" type="small_image">
    <image id="category_page_grid-srcset-5" type="small_image">

p.s. Keep in mind that every new size will increase hard drive space usage, so feel free to omit some of the sizes to find out the best solution for you and your visitors.