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UI Components


Since uiComponents are not used actively across Magento frontend (except cart and checkout pages), we made a very basic uiComponent implementation. In fact, we just added ko.applyBindings on top of Widget Component, and that is everything we need to get most of frontend functionality.

Before we start you’ll need to know about two important UI Component limitations comparing with Luma:

Declaration Example

Component declaration is identical to the Luma, except you must add component property:

], (ko, Component, customerData) => {
    'use strict';

        component: 'Vendor_Module/js/component',

        defaults: {
            template: 'Vendor_Module/template',
            cart: customerData.get('cart'),
            isLoading: ko.observable(false),

        create: function () {
            this.cartSubscription = this.cart.subscribe(function (updatedCart) {

        destroy: function () {

Please note that template property will be processed in a different way. Breeze will replace all slashes and dots with _, find the DOM element with such ID and will use its contents as KnockoutJS template. See how to pre-render KnockoutJS template.



A method called right before the template will be rendered. You can return false to prevent rendering:

beforeRender: function () {
    return false;


A method called after the template will be rendered.

afterRender: function () {
    // do some awesomeness here



The contentUpdated event is dispatched right after content was rendered.

Please note, that this event is not prefixed with view name.

Usage example:

$(el).on('contentUpdated', function (event) {

Rendering html template

Take a look at the UI Component example below. While they look the same in Luma, there is a difference on how Breeze will process template option.

    defaults: {
        template: 'Vendor_Module/template'

Breeze will throw the following exception if you try to create such component:

Cannot find template with ID Vendor_Module_template

To make it work, you need to render the template manually using breeze_ prefixed layout update. It may be breeze_default.xml to render template across all pages or breeze_catalog_product_view.xml to render template on product page, and so on.

Breeze provides a special block that can render any template from web/template folder. Here is an example of layout update that renders html template:

<referenceContainer name="breeze.container">
  <block class="Swissup\Breeze\Block\HtmlTemplate" name="module.Vendor_Module_template" template="Vendor_Module::template.html"/>

Sometimes you may need to pass specific template ID. Use the following code in such cases:

<referenceContainer name="breeze.container">
  <block class="Swissup\Breeze\Block\HtmlTemplate" template="Magento_GiftMessage::gift-message-form.html">
      <argument name="id" xsi:type="string">Magento_GiftMessage/gift-message-form</argument>