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Page Layout


Breeze allows to apply some basic styling to the page layout. You can control boxed and narrow pages state using LESS and XML layout update instructions.


Container — is an HTML wrapper that used to constrain its content within a specific width per responsive breakpoint.

You can customize container styles with LESS variables:

@container__margin: 0 auto;
@container__padding: @1-5 @2;

@container__max-width: 1260px;
@container__media-sm__max-width: false;
@container__media-md__max-width: false;
@container__media-lg__max-width: false;
@container__media-xl__max-width: false;
@container__media-xxl__max-width: false;

// Boxed container example
// @container__max-width: none;
// @container__media-sm__max-width: @sm;
// @container__media-md__max-width: @md;
// @container__media-lg__max-width: @lg;
// @container__media-xl__max-width: @xl;
// @container__media-xxl__max-width: @xxl;
@sidebar__width: 180px;
@sidebar__gap: @4;
@sidebar__media-lg__width: 220px;
@sidebar__media-lg__gap: @8;

Narrow page

Narrow page is the 1column page variation with hidden breadcrumbs, centered page title, and narrow content section. Breeze uses narrow page layout by default for the following pages:

You can transform any single column page into the narrow page using the layout update handle:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
    <update handle="breeze_page_narrow"/>

To disable applied narrow page style, use the following layout update:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
        <attribute name="class" value="narrow-page-reset"/>

Boxed page

Additionally, narrow pages use boxed styles for its content blocks. Each Breeze-based theme may define its own boxed block styles.

Customer registration form is a good example of boxed block styles:

Boxed styles for these pages enabled using LESS variables:

@boxed-page: true;
@boxed-page-contact: true;
@boxed-page-login: true;
@boxed-page-404: true; // enabled for 1column layout only