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Integration Example


On this page, you’ll find out how to integrate third-party Luma-based module.

1. Find the main entry points

Every Magento component starts its lifecycle from initialization in *.phtml template. It may be written as a data-mage-init or x-magento-init configs, or inline require call:

<!-- 1. data-mage-init -->
<div data-mage-init='{"Vendor_Module/js/component": {}}'></div>

<!-- 2. x-magento-init -->
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
    ".class-name": {
        "Vendor_Module/js/component": {}

<!-- 3. inline `require` call -->
require(['Vendor_Module/js/component'], function () {

Vendor_Module/js/component — is a main entry point in the examples above.

When you’ll find the main entry point in the module you want to integrate, you may proceed to the next step.

2. Register js components

When you know the main entry point and path to the js file where it’s located, you need to register it in Vendor_Module/view/frontend/layout/breeze_default.xml layout update file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
    <referenceBlock name="breeze.js">
        <argument name="bundles" xsi:type="array">
          <item name="default" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="items" xsi:type="array">
              <item name="Vendor_Module/js/component" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="path" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module/js/component</item>

3. Add component name

Open Vendor_Module/js/component file and add the following line:

define(['jquery'], function ($) {
  'use strict';

  $.widget('widgetName', {
    component: 'Vendor_Module/js/component', // <-- add this line
    create: function () {}

4. Prepare dependencies

Sometimes it’s not enough to add component name. For example, if component requires additional dependencies:

], function ($, fn, obj) {
  'use strict';


We need to register Vendor_Module/js/function and Vendor_Module/js/object files, and make some changes:

           <item name="default" xsi:type="array">
             <item name="items" xsi:type="array">
               <item name="Vendor_Module/js/component" xsi:type="array">
                 <item name="path" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module/js/component</item>
+                <item name="import" xsi:type="array">
+                  <item name="Vendor_Module/js/function" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module/js/function</item>
+                  <item name="Vendor_Module/js/object" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module/js/object</item>
+                </item>
 ], function ($) {
     'use strict';

-    return function (options, element) {
+    var result = function (options, element) {
+    result.component = 'Vendor_Module/js/function';
+    return result;
 ], function ($) {
     'use strict';

     return {
+        component: 'Vendor_Module/js/object',
         'Vendor_Module/js/object': function (options, element) {}

5. That’s all

Clear the cache and try to refresh the page on frontend.